Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Galvanic Spa® System II and Galvanic Spa® System II EX Item# 01101319 retail price: $350.00 size: Size/weight

Galvanic Spa® System II and Galvanic Spa® System II EX Expand your home spa experience. Rejuvenate your complexion, revitalize your scalp, and refine your body with professional spa treatments—no appointment necessary. Benefits Treatments with the Galvanic Spa System Instrument lasting five minutes or more can enhance the delivery of key ingredients for up to 24 hours. The Galvanic Spa System features a proprietary, patented instrument with four interchangeable conductors: Face Conductor—offers all of the benefits of the original fixed face conductor, while adding the flexibility of being removable for other conductor use and other treatment applications. Scalp Conductor—this comb-like conductor is easy to pull through your hair, maintaining crucial contact between the conductor and your scalp. Body Conductor—three rounded nodes maximize surface area contact for wider coverage and better massaging action. Spot Treatment Conductor—this conductor head utilizes a flat, smooth, oval shaped treatment node that centralizes surface contact area. This node provides better contact with the skin and helps deliver a more concentrated treatment. Body Conductor—three rounded nodes maximize surface area contact for wider coverage and better massaging action.

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